Michael W. Berns

Michael W. Berns
Professor of Surgery, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
1002 Health Sciences Road E

Dr. Michael Berns is the co-founder with Dr. Arnold O. Beckman of UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic.  He is a Distinguished Professor, and the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Professor, working in the areas of biomedical engineering, developmental & cell biology and surgery.  He oversees the Cellular Biophotonics Laboratory at UCI Beckman Laser Institute & Medical Clinic and was the original principal investigator for the LAser Microbeam & Medical Program (LAMMP) grant (continuously funded since the late-1970s) and the Department of Defense Core grant (continuously funded since 1986). He serves as Director of the new Michael and Roberta Berns LAser Microbeam Program (LAMP) and serves as the Director of the Photonics Incubator, which he established in 1996.