A Short Course in

Systems Biology - Foundations

Course Directors

The course directors are:

Germán A. Enciso, Ph.D.
Dr. Enciso is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Originally trained as a pure mathematician, he has extensive experience collaborating in systems biology, working on signal transduction, multisite modifications, cancer progression, cell cycle regulation, neuroscience, and cellular decision making in Chlamydia. He has a joint appointment in the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, and he is currently supported for research in mathematical and computational biology by NSF, and NIH.

Arthur D. Lander, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Lander is the Donald Bren Professor of Developmental and Cell Biology, director of the NIGMS-funded Center for Complex Biological Systems (CCBS), UCI’s National Center for Systems Biology, and co-director of a newly NCI-funded National Center for Cancer Systems Biology. Originally trained as a neurobiologist and developmental biologist, his research over the past 15 years has focused on the systems biology of morphogenesis and growth. Using vertebrate and invertebrate model systems, as well as mathematical and computational modeling, he has pursued questions about pattern formation, tissue and organ size control, cancer, and the origins of syndromic and non-syndromic birth defects. He has 15 years of experience as director of T32 training grants (3 total; one current), 8 years of service as Chair of Developmental and Cell Biology, and 15 years as director of CCBS. He also holds joint appointments in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Logic & Philosophy of Science, and is a member of the Science Board of the Santa Fe Institute, a long-standing bastion of interdisciplinary science in the U.S.  Dr. Lander has served as chair of an NIH Developmental Biology study section, member of an NICHD branch review panel, and as chair of the MABS (modeling and analysis of biological systems) NIH study section, which specializes in the review of interdisciplinary applications at the intersection between biology, engineering, mathematics and computer science.

Course faculty include Dr. Enciso and Dr. Lander, as well as a diverse group of other UCI faculty members who will oversee lectures and lab modules, and serve as post-course mentors

Course Instructors

InstructorDepartment affiliation (primary,  secondary )Areas of Expertise
Jun AllardPhysics, MathematicsBiophysics, mathematical modeling, biomechanics, cell biology
Bogi AndersonBiological Chemistry,  MedicineTranscriptional regulation in normal and diseased epithelia
Scott AtwoodDevelopmental & Cell BiologyCancer initiation, cell fate specification
Lee BardwellDevelopmental & Cell BiologyCell signaling, MAP kinase pathways, mathematical modeling
Anne CalofAnatomy & Neuro-bio,  Dev. & Cell Bio. OpthalmologyDevelopmental biology, growth control, regeneration, stem cells, neural development, birth defects, mouse embryology
Ken ChoDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDevelopmental Biology,  Xenopus  embryology, BMP signaling, gene-regulatory networks
Olivier CinquinDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDevelopmental Biology,  C. elegans  germline, Notch signaling, lifespan and aging, image analysis
Michelle DigmanBiomedical EngineeringFluorescence fluctuation microscopy, imaging, particle tracking, biophysics
Tim DowningBiomedical EngineeringStem cell and tissue engineering, regenerative biology, epigenomcis, mechanobiology
Charless FowlkesComputer ScienceImage analysis, machine learning, spatiotemporal atlases of gene expression in  Drosophila
Enrico GrattonBiomedical Eng.,  Physics ,  Dev. & CellBiophysics, optics, fluorescence fluctuation microscopy, particle tracking, theory.
Chang LiuBiomedical Eng., ChemistrySynthetic biology; engineered genetic systems for rapid evolution; chemical biology
John LowengrubMathematics,  Biomedical Eng.Multi-scale mathematical modeling, biomechanics, tissue morphogenesis
Eric MjolsnessComputer Science,  MathematicsComputational biology, plant biology, software development for mathematical biology.
Ali MortazaviDevelopmental & Cell BiologyGenomics, Nextgen sequencing, Chip-seq, ChIA-PET. Cell differentiation, developmental biology
Qing NieMathematics,  Biomedical Eng.Numerical mathematics, differential equations, morphogen gradients, stochastic systems
Maksim PlikusDevelopmental & Cell BiologyEpidermal biology, stem cell biology, hair development and regeneration,
Elizabeth ReadChemical Eng. & Materials ScienceDynamics of complex biochemical systems, regulation of immune responses
Thomas SchillingDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDevelopment of vertebrate nervous system and skeleton, mathematical models of morphogenesis
Albert SiryapornPhysicsBacterial pathogenesis at the intersection of biophysics and molecular biology
P. Kyle StanfordLogic & Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of biology, scientific realism, history of developmental and evolutionary biology
Peter TaborekPhysicsMathematics, physics, physical biology,  Mathematica  software
Rahul WarriorDevelopmental & Cell BiologyDevelopmental signaling, growth control, Drosophila genetics
Zeba WunderlichDevelopmental & Cell BiologyEvolution of gene regulatory networks, transcriptional control, biophysics, systems biology
Xiaohui XieComputer Science,  Dev. &   Cell BiologyBioinformatics and computational biology, genomics, analysis of high-throughput data sets.
JJ EmersonEcology and Evolutionary BiologyBioinformatics and computational biology, evolutionary biology, functional genomics.
Elliot BotvinivkBiomedical EngineeringBiomechanics, Biomedical engineering, Cell Biology, Clinical and Translational Research, Tissue engineering.
Jenny WuUCI Genomics High-Throughput FacilityBioinformatics, Genomics
Trina Norden-KrichmarEpidemiology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Computer Science, Biological ChemistryBioinformatics, Genomics
Kai KessenbrockBiological ChemistryCancer, Cell biology, Cell-cell communication
Devon LawsonPhysiology and BiophysicsCancer, Cell biology, Molecular biology
Fangyuan DingBiomedical EngineeringQuantitative single molecule biology
Marcus SeldinBiological ChemistrySystems Genetics, Endocrine Physiology, Metabolism, Cell-Cell Communication

In addition, teaching assistance will be provided by students from UCI’s highly interdisciplinary Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology graduate program.